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The Essential Guide to Photocopy Machine Maintenance

Photocopy Machine Maintenance

The Essential Guide to Photocopy Machine Maintenance

Walking into any business, you will spot a photocopy machine (or just simply a 3-in-1 printer). No matter how digitalized the world is, companies still use photocopy machines for their day-to-day operation. Some use them for legal and important documents that must be printed, signed, and handed to the authorities. Some still prefer physical printed copies as their customer base prefers it. And there’s also a group of people who don’t like digital documents and want to have things printed out, holding them in hand and writing notes on the printed paper itself.

No matter the reason, you still use the printer or photostat machine at your workplace; it’s just an essential part of the business that most cannot live without. That being said, maintaining your photocopy machine regularly will keep it working effectively and support your daily business operation.

Today, we’ll share some insights and practical tips about maintaining the photocopy machine. Let’s dive in!

Why Regular Maintenance is Crucial

It’s common sense that every electronic appliance is not built to last. Your smartphone or computer’s software and operating system must be updated regularly to keep things running well. Once in a while, some parts go out of action and need a replacement. 

It’s just the same case for your photocopy machine. Maintaining the machine regularly can sustain its lifespan, so you don’t need to spend additional bucks to keep getting a new one. And a well-maintained photocopy machine also gives you high quality & clean prints, without all the inks being stuck in the machine. 

What is worse than your staff telling you they couldn’t do the job because the machine malfunctioned? So, let’s do it before the time comes – make it a habit or set a schedule to get some essential maintenance done.

DIY Maintenance Tips for Businesses

While we recommend a professional do the maintenance work, we all know it will cost a lot of money to have someone travel to your office to do the job. So, there are some simple things you could do yourself or your staff to handle that reduce the need for professional maintenance services.

  1. Clean Regularly: Dust, debris, inks, etc can stick up in the machine over time, affecting the print quality. So, just using a dry napkin or cloth to wipe it down can solve the problem. Remember to check the manufacturer’s guide; it will tell you where to clean and where not to open up. 
  2. Replace Consumables: That’s pretty obvious: when it has no ink, replace the ink. When it has no paper, replace the paper. That’s pretty basic. Moreover, you’re also encouraged to use quality manufacturer-made consumables. We all know those manufacturers will charge us a premium for all these consumables, but it is best to avoid risking your machine with those you bought elsewhere; it could just break the machine. And the seller won’t be responsible for fixing your broken photocopy machine. 
  3. Avoid Overloading: This typical issue causes some machines to fail quicker than others. They tend to fail quicker when you overload them or are heavily used. Check if your machine is meant to handle the load; if not, getting something with higher specs to handle the load or simply getting another one to spread the load will solve the problem. 

Getting Help from Professionals

While in-house maintenance is essential, you still want to get professional help to maintain your machine every 6 to 12 months, depending on how heavily you use it. Their knowledge and expertise can help spot issues you can hardly access, and most manufacturers or copier machine suppliers in Malaysia offer maintenance services included in their offerings. So, let’s utilize them to make your money worthwhile. 


Your business could still rely a lot on a photocopy machine, so getting it running well is essential to keep your business running. Getting your hands dirty can reduce your risk of malfunctioning machines. And when needed, or the schedule is up, get professionals to inspect and spot any issues. 

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